Source of deep state – elite media – agency control
Clintons machines

Photo: corruption in the world

They exposed themselves, and today we take a history lesson to how agencies are controlled, and media to control the views of people and how they use this to advance their own political and financial agendas.

Some of this is really simple, because one of the most powerful couples in the world are Bill & Hillary Clinton.

People fear the Clinton’s because most people who tried to oppose them ended up dead.

Powerful people, politicians, and companies are far to aware of this.

Why do you think Barak Obama put Hillary in charge of the Secretary of States office? It’s really obvious not only was it to control the media, and the agenda it was do try and keep and put Donald Trump out of office.

Everyone who follows the right already knows about Clinton’s cash machine, but how for years have they controlled the media?

How do they spin the stories. With a lot of hidden cash

Fusion GPS was the beginning, companies that make up stories and spread it to the press, they feed it into the agencies to control their agendas.

Hillary and the democrats found guilty of the funding the Steele Dossier was paid by them.

No wonder Hillary wanted to scrub her email server. Crowdstrike.

Pekins Coie – Fusion GPS – dig up dirt – or pay off Dominion -CIA- GCHQ – feed it control the elections.

What happened during the first two years of Trump’s term, the Clintons have their own press machine – this machine is so powerful it even issues out documents and agendas for the democrats to use and read.

Nancy Pelsoi, the major source because of her position, but also Adam Schiff, and all the others involved in the take down of the President.

Every hearing, documents of questions were formulated by the Clinton machine.

At this point, Seth Rich, who was assassinated by the Clinton’s knows that this machine could of been transferred over to the Democrat’s or an elite secret society. But it is clear that the Clinton’s have control of it to some extent.

We don’t think it is a good fishing expedition for Devin Nunes or any other elected official, because of the risk. But at some point all of this will come out.