in support of Julian Assange

Today we came back from the dark. We have deleted all leaks published at this point in support of encouraging more leakers to come forward.

Julian, led the revolution of the freedom of speech, the freedom of press, and giving liberty to people to expose government, corporate and other injustices.

Many followed, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden who exposed crimes of the governments. Then came Seth Rich, who the Clinton’s had assassinated. Showing us that exposing the truth, comes with a great price.

Many countries won’t grant asylum, in fear their corruption too, be exposed.

So we have leakers also we protect. We went dark for almost two years because of threats.

Today we are back, in the light and although some people who have helped other famous leakers, refused to help protect leakers without going public and exposing the leaker, we stood our ground to protect our leakers.

Even big media outlets, and journalists from Der Spiegel only would help if the source was exposed and the outlet could make money from a public story. This has to stop! This is injustice and corruption at it’s worst!

We are calling today and in the coming days, weeks, months, years to come together.

If you are an attorney, a organization, an individual, or another entity that wants to help, we encourage you to contact us, first at our encrypted email.

If your a leaker, don’t fear, we are here and many will come forward to help, even if you desire to remain anonymous.

Please contact us here